Monday, September 5, 2011

Sweet Sisters

After spending an hour going through pictures and videos, I could tell I had to do just one big post on the girls and how much they love each other and how much fun they have together!

This summer has definitely been a time of the girls getting used to each other, learning how to play together, and Grace learning to love that her sister follows her everywhere instead of being annoyed by it. I know this is not our forever, and that there will be a time when they probably want nothing to do with each other, but I am cherishing these moments. Seeing the two of them together makes Pat and I smile, fills my heart with a joy that I can not even begin to explain.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this summer. Also, at the bottom are two videos of the girls that crack me up! You even get to see at the end of one video that sisterly love is not always happening it our household!

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