Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gracie is growing...

....her hair out! No, really, she is definitely growing more than that! Sometimes she is growing up, helpful with her sister, excited to learn and start preschool this past week. Other times she is growing an attitude which includes talking back, hands on the hips, with her little pony tail shaking which mostly gets groans and sometimes laughter when she is not looking.

All in all, Grace is a sweet, polite, and very funny little girl. A mini Shawn I am told daily in looks and personality. She is full of life and laughter, usually the most talkative in a room, who loves to sing and tell stories. Sometimes she is very shy, almost nervous of what others think of her, especially in settings with other children her age. I know this is normal but I hope she keeps her spunky attitude and that we can teach her that really being who she is inside is more important that being accepted by all.

Some big things that have been happening with Grace this summer:

She is growing her hair out. This is really been her big thing this summer. She is a huge fan of the movie Tangled and decided she wanted long hair and no bangs to match the girl in the movie. At first I was horrified and dissapointed, I loved her cute little bob and bangs, I suppose I liked that they made her look younger. But I have to say she is pretty darn cute with her longer hair!

Here is a good comparison shot from last year when she started school and her first day of preschool:

Grace caught her first big fish this summer! She also stayed at Grandpa Craig and Grandma Cathy's for a week on her own which she loved! (PLEASE ignore me in the background of ALL videos that I post! This one is especially bad, I was very excited for her!)

Grace also had a visit to the dentist which she actually liked. She is at Grandma Pam's tonight and told her she needs to floss everyday! I suppose we may have a future dentist on our hands!

Grace got a new bike this summer from the bike store down the road. This was a huge and exciting purchase for our family since we love to take long family walks and this way Grace could keep up and still get exercise instead of sitting in a stroller. She LOVES her bike!

I guess the biggest difference in Grace is that she has become a mini mom to Ella. She loves to feed her, help change her, pick her clothes out, get her up in the morning, the list goes on and on! She is a blessing to me and when she is not around, Ella and I both don't know what to do with ourselves!

This last video is a little long but so sweet, she loves to feed her sister and if you listen closely, she says so many funny things as she does it. She is a sweetheart and this summer has sometimes been a challenge but for the most part we could not ask for a better little girl!

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