Sunday, September 4, 2011

We're back!!!

It has been a very busy and fun summer and I have badly neglected this blog!

As Ella gets bigger and bigger and hits more milestones, I find myself going back to our blog to look up when Grace hit the same big milestones. I have depended on this blog to hold our memories and big moments for me to go back to again and again. I have done it so many times, I know Pat gets very sick of me saying "Do remember when Grace did ....."

So, time to get back to it! I am going to back date a lot of posts with some important milestones for Gracie and Ella and there have been a ton this summer. We have two beautiful and wonderful little girls who keep us busy and we have the pictures to prove it! Once I have caught up, I will do a post with all of the links of my new posts to make it easy to check out our summer!

I have been going through all of Pat and I's pictures from our phones and I found some really great pictures, here is one of my favorites, can you just see how much Miss Ella loves her big sister? Just a little sneak peek of the pictures you have to look forward to!

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