Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ella Milestones- Summer 2011

Miss Ella has grown so much this summer! Here are some of the major milestones to just catch everyone up!

Current Stats (September 2011)
Weight: 21 lbs (75th percentile)
Height:29.5 inches (90th percentile)

Her typical schedule at 10 months old is wake between 5:30-6 to eat, go back to sleep until around 7, nap at 9:30 for about an hour, lunch at 12-12:30, second nap from 1-3, dinner at 5:30, and down for bed at 8pm.

She was waking up at 3:30 am to eat until recently. Luckily, Pat loves the middle of the night feeding so I am very blessed! He loves the quiet time with her and it became something I think he will kind of miss now that she has given it up. But not that much!

Miss Ella got her first tooth right after our trip to New Orleans at the end of June. Poor grandpa and grandma dealt with some of the crabbiness that comes with teething but they were troopers and we came back to a cute little tooth sticking out!

Since then, the teeth have just kept coming! She now has 5 teeth! As you can see in the picture below, she has a very toothy little grin now!

Another big development is that Ella is crawling! She started doing this funny little butt in the air, trying to crawl move prior to actually crawling! She would do it a lot, look confused, and sit back down. This was the end of June, when she was about 8 months old.

In the middle of July, she finally got the crawling move down! She now follows Grace EVERYWHERE and is very speedy! Here is a fun little video of her and Gracie taken at the end of July.

She is very good at cruising and has actually take 5-6 steps at a time and seems very ready to walk! Watch out world!

Ella has become such a great eater this summer! She started with cereal (6 months) and was not a huge fan, moved to veggies and fruits (8 months) and she was a huge fan, and now at 10 months old is eating and she loves almost everything! We are starting on table foods very soon but at this point she is still eating jarred foods. The below picture is her face at every meal time!

Miss Ella has a lot of personality! Sometimes she can be so sweet but she definitely knows how to give attitude (kind of like her dad!) She really likes to observe others, especially her sister, and that trait is definitely like her dad. She loves to follow her sister around, anywhere, and if Grace is gone, she will crawl into her room and pull herself up by her bed looking for her. She loves to wave and has started to say hi, momma, and dadda.

All in all, I could hug and squeeze on Ella all day. She is such a sweet little girl, who loves to give kisses and hugs, and to be honest does not want to cuddle very much so I take what I can get!

This final video is from the last week and I think you can see some of Miss Ella's sweet personality and love for her sister! (and yes, my two girls are OBSESSED with Taylor Swift, to the complete horror of their father and happiness of their mother!)

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